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Adapting to Climate Change. It refers to changes in processes, practices, and structures to moderate potential damages or to benefit from opportunities associated with climate change. Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. These emissions are also known as greenhouse gases. This approach views climate change as the major source of . A number of local governments have found assessing vulnerability across the broad range of government services as an effective approach to anticipate, plan for, and adapt to a changing climate. Furthermore, some climate change impacts are happening faster than previously con-sidered likely (5). Adaptation - adapting to life in a changing climate - involves adjusting to actual or expected future climate. "The problem is that most of that adaptation is fairly incremental, showing little change from business-as-usual activities, and in a disjointed, individual-by-individual fashion, when most . To set the issue in context, it looks first at the history and evolving nature of human adaptation to climate. Adaptation is open-ended and takes many forms. If you follow news coverage of climate change . The challenge of confronting the impacts of climate change is often framed in terms of two potential paths that civilization might take: adaptation and mitigation. It can be disruptive, such as when an entire community is relocated, or discreet, such as when a . In this context, it is too easy to see adaptation as a narrowly defensive task - protecting core assets or functions from the risks of climate change. Climate Change Adaptation. Climate Change Adaptation. Climate adaptation. 13, no. For the German Adaptation Strategy the definition of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is utilized, stating that adaptation is the adjustment of natural or human systems to occurring or expected changes in climate in order to reduce harm. There are a few international efforts to assist adaptation in developing. Climate change influences food security in a very complicated manner. Adaptation is a general term used to cover the planning and measures needed to cope with the impacts of climate change. adaptation response through some mechanism (air conditioning (A/C) use in Deschnes and Greenstone (2011), time allocation in Graff Zivin and Neidell (2010)), but still conclude that climate change is likely to be costly. Adapting to climate change and its impacts is a big challenge. The Need For Adaptation Climate change is the result of rising levels of heat-trapping emissions from natural sources and human activity. The challenges are to understand when evolution will occur and to identify potential evolutionary winners as well as losers, such as species But this outcome is by no means certain and growing evidence suggests that too often adaptation Climate adaptation essentially means any measure that protects a community or ecosystem from the effects of climate change, while also building long-term resilience to evolving environmental conditions. change and their role in advancing climate change adaptation in East Boyden J 2003, Children under fire: Challenging assumptions about Asia and the Pacific, Environmental Development, vol. 'Adaptation strategies' needed now as climate change shifts crop production: Study. Adapting to climate change means taking action to prepare for and adjust to both the current effects of climate change the predicted impacts in the future. Addressing transboundary climate and adaptation risks in Sudan and the Sahel. It responds to the risks set out in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (UK CCRA) 2017, published under section 56 of the UK Climate Change Act 2008. Adaptation: reacting to the effects of climate change that have already occurred or are projected to occur in the future. Rizzo & al. In response to this situation, the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) created a panel that examined the impacts of climate change in the Houston-Galveston region. Devastating wildfires are occurring more frequently and with greater intensity. Charles Rodgers (senior environment specialist [climate . Coffee beans, avocados and cashews are among the global staples affected. Climate change adaptation is an opportunity for social reform, for the questioning of values that drive inequalities in development and our unsustainable relationship with the environment. Where adaptation is treated as a specific activity, evaluation . Adaptation is a contested, widely discussed term with no general definition. The Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change is our plan, developed with the provinces and territories and Indigenous Peoples. 3, pp.123-136. In this paper I propose a novel way to control for adaptation to climate change Actions such as moving to higher ground to avoid rising sea levels, planting new crops that will thrive under new climate conditions, or using new building technologies represent adaptation strategies. Adaptation is a contested, widely discussed term with no general definition. adaptation to Climate Change It is at the same time essential to begin considering how future international efforts can best be structured. We evaluate whether climate change exerts novel selection and disr Coffee beans, avocados and cashews are among the global staples affected. Reducing carbon emissions is no longer enough to halt the impacts of climate change. Topics Planning for adaptation strategies, assessing climate change data Summary Ten training modules introduce the key steps for climate change adaptation. Climate scientists project increasingly common weather extremes that will transform Tahoe, with impacts on lake clarity, natural resources, communities, and the economy. Strengthening Europe's resilience to the impacts of climate change The EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change, adopted by the European Commission in April 2013, sets out a framework and mechanisms for taking the EU's preparedness for current and future climate impacts to a new level. UNEP has assisted over 70 projects on climate change adaptation in over 50 countries. Exercises provide a method for participants to visualize a future that is outside their direct experience and evaluate options for constructive action to adapt to climate changes already occurring and those to come. Federal Climate Adaptation Plans. 1, Lawler J, Urbano M, Deasey M, Kusumawardani N, Pardosi J pp.1-29. of climate change. IV. The effects of climate change are complex and far-reaching, and while the scope, severity, and pace of future climate change effects are difficult to predict, it is clear that changes could have important outcomes for producers and on the ability of USDA to fulfill its core mission to "provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient . SLM represents a preventative approach to climate change that can reduce the need for costly ex-post coping measures, like changing crops and livelihoods, clearing new lands for agriculture and . Taking adaptation actions now will help protect the health, well-being and prosperity of Canadians, and manage risks to . The impacts of climate change are already being felt. Climate change adaptation has been embedded across the organisation as business as usual, rather than as a bespoke activity. Although climate adaptation finance flows have increased by 35% in recent years, they still fall short of what is needed to avoid severe economic and human impacts from climate change, especially in developing countries. f. Humans can adapt to climate change by reducing their vulnerability to its impacts. "Adaptation" refers to the adjustments that societies or ecosystems make to limit the negative effects of climate change or to take advantage of opportunities provided by a changing climate. Climate Change, where priority sectors identified included agriculture, coastal zones, water resources, human health, biodiversity, and fisheries. climate change, adaptation, and resiliency, however, which need to be explored at the regional scale. These examples highlight how researchers and managers are working together to address climate change at many different scales. When it comes to tackling climate change to prevent the impacts it causes in the different systems of the planet, the human being applies two types of measures: mitigation and adaptation. Adaptation is an adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities. Evolutionary adaptation can be rapid and potentially help species counter stressful conditions or realize ecological opportunities arising from climate change. The level of agricultural research will determine technological options with which they can adapt. Plans, frameworks and strategies. To support local and regional adaptation Climate change adaptation means altering our behavior, systems, andin some casesways of life to protect our families, our economies, and the environment in which we live from the impacts of climate change. Success in adapting to this variability comes from the transboundary cooperation and ownership by community members, government officials, and private sector representatives. Economic Impacts Associated with Climate Change Adaptation. Toolkit: Adaptation. Promoting Climate Change Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific (financed by the Japan Special Fund and the Government of the United Kingdom). Climate change now affects everything in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Many countries are realizing it's time to start adapting to a warming world. Because - to be clear - we have to adapt. The Adaptation Strategies below offer possible ways to address anticipated climate risks to water management. Adaptation refers to adjustments in ecological, social, or economic systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli and their effects or impacts. Addressing current and anticipated impacts is known as climate change adaptation. The Southwest Climate Science Center is partnering with the University of Arizona Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions (CCASS) to leverage previously existing and newly developing tribal engagement capacity within CCASS and to help identify emergent opportunities to support tribes in adapting to climate change. Water Utility; Water Quality; Ecosystem Protection; Waste Climate change can make it more difficult for communities to provide drinking water and wastewater services, protect water quality, and maintain healthy aquatic environments. On October 7, 2021, the White House announced the release of more than 20 Federal Agency . Climate change adaptation has been embedded across the organisation as business as usual, rather than as a bespoke activity. For the German Adaptation Strategy the definition of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is utilized, stating that adaptation is the adjustment of natural or human systems to occurring or expected changes in climate in order to reduce harm. But people worldwide are approaching adaptation in vastly different and incohesive ways, according to a new study in the journal Nature Climate Change. Adaptation vs. Mitigation. This book presents a framework for making sense of the range of choices facing . Where adaptation is treated as a specific activity, evaluation . For instance, climate change is taken into account in coastal defense projects in the Maldives and the Netherlands. Comprehensive Adaptation Planning. And under different emissions scenarios, drought behaves differently. Climate Change adaptation during the C ovid-19 pandemic: some lessons for future climate action Alessandro Rizzo 1,2 Abdelfettah S IFEDDINE 2,3 and Lhoussaine B OUCHAOU 4,5 Adaptation Examples. For humans, adaptation aims to moderate or avoid harm, and exploit opportunities; for natural systems, humans may intervene to help adjustment. children's resilience, Children, Youth and Environments, vol. In the climate world, the IPCC defines adaptation as "the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects." It's doing what we can to live with and minimize the destruction and suffering that comes from climate change. This paper examines underlying issues and lays out an array of possibilities. Adaptation can range from a farmer planting more drought-resistant crops to a coastal community evaluating how best to protect . Coping with climate change. Mitigation addresses the root causes, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while adaptation seeks to lower the . Technical guidance on integrating climate change adaptation in programmes and investments of Cohesion Policy, Commission Staff Working Document, SWD (2013) 135 - To provide advice, methods, tips and examples to understand and integrate climate adaptation needs and priorities into Operational Programmes for the next programming period (2014-2020). But as increased risks to people and communities become apparent, it is essential. Beyond doing everything we can to cut emissions and slow the pace of global warming, we must adapt to climate consequences so we can protect ourselves and our communities. Adaptation often requires financial investment in new or enhanced research, technology, and infrastructure. These gases form a blanket around the Earth, trapping in heat and disrupting our climate. CMIP6 is an ensemble of climate model simulations that provide climate change projections depending on a range of possible greenhouse gas emission scenarios, allowing scientists and policymakers to directly compare the impacts of different emissions policies. The report "The Adaptation Principles: A Guide for Designing Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience" lays out 6 principles - as well as 26 actions, 12 tool boxes and 111 indicators - to help ministries of finance approach adaptation challenges. The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP) was launched in September 2019 and outlines how Scotland is preparing for the impacts of climate change over the period to 2024.
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adaptation climate change